Bruna Kajiya has done it again! Taking her 3rd World Title in Womens Freestyle, she has managed to take this title in her home country of Brazil. Airush Kiteboarding had a chance to meet up with Bruna just after the event to get her take on the past, present and future plans of her riding and Womens kiteboarding! Congrats Bru!
How does it feel to grab your 3rd World Championship title in your home country?
BK – To grab my 3rd World Title is already an incredible feeling, it’s a dream come true. I’m over the moon, it’s such a unique moment and I feel blessed and the luckiest women on earth to be able to succeed doing something I love so dearly. The fact that it all happened in my country is the cherry on the sundae. As an athlete it’s the biggest honor to represent your country and carry your flag, it has been a real life dream.
Even with a knee injury over 4 years ago, watching you now it looks like your progression and riding hasn’t been effected. What steps did you take to get back to the highest level you have ever been?
BK – I used my passion for kitesurfing as fuel to train harder and keep pushing myself. By not being able to ride for 6 months I realized what this sport means to me and that just made my determination stronger to pursuit my goals. Also an important part of my recovery was to believe that I could do it, that I had it in me to overcome that adversity. There was no moment of doubt, that was key to a strong come back.
What was your favorite trick during the season?
BK – The backside 315, although I didn’t land one in competition this year, this trick has been so fun to work on. It’s so challenging, frustrating, mind twisting, but when it comes together it’s worth every moment of training. It’s a trick that mixes the technique, power, and speed in a very balanced way. It feels amazing to spin that fast to the point you don’t know where you are and suddenly you feel the impact of the landing and the board sliding in the water.
How do you feel this year went on the WKL?
BK – I personally had an amazing year on tour, because of my riding, experiences and lessons I faced. It has been an eventful year to put it lightly. As a tour, the WKL had a very turbulent year with many challenges and that impacted all the riders in many aspects. Given all that has happened we managed to make the best out of it and that shows the huge potential for freestyle.
Was this last stop the best stop of the year?
BK – This stop was special for me because it was at my home country and where I was crowned World Champion, that makes it an incredibly unique one. But unfortunately, we didn’t have wind to finish it, so for me the best event this yeas was in Akyaka, Turkey. The conditions were amazing and I had a beautiful heat on my final, I executed the tricks as powerful as I could, even better than during the training sessions; as a competitor that’s extremely satisfying.
Did you notice the level of female riding increase this year over the previous?
BK – Yes, I did. Female kiteboarding is building more and more traction and with more power. The level on the World Tour has been increasing and it been an empowering process to all the female riders. With that, we can have more reach in other aspects of kiteboarding outside of competition and inspire more women to kick ass on the water.
Where do you think the Kite Tour will go next year?
BK – I believe with the implementation of livestream and new format we managed to reach a lot of audience and attention. The growth on social media has been impressive this year and that gives us more leverage to put up bigger and better events next year. Our challenge is to sort out the Tour structure that set us back a little this year and once that is done nothing will hold us back.
You have been an advocate for female riders and female progression. Are you seeing any future Diamonds getting ready to participate in these type of Elite events?
BK – I’m so passionate about the empowerment of women in the sport, my Diamond Chicas inspire me and show me the strength and potential we have. If they choose to compete in the Elite League or succeed in any other aspect of kiteboarding it doesn’t matter, as long as our sport is well represented by strong women, I’m proud and fulfilled.
What next for Bruna Kajiya? Another World Title?
BK – For sure! I’m already motivated for another season, to show the kiting community more of the amazing things we can do in kiteboarding. I love being an athlete and challenging myself to be better every day. I hope that by doing my best I can inspire others to do theirs, whatever it is they choose to do. I also want to keep pushing my career goal that’s to see women’s kiteboarding to grow strong and show all the potential of women in the sport.